Thank you for taking the pledge!

Congratulations, you've done something truly amazing.

By taking the 🔸 10% Pledge or the 🔹 Trial Pledge, you’re playing your part to make the world a better place.

What’s next?

Our pledgers support some of the world’s most effective charities and use their careers to make a sustainable impact on the causes they care most about.

We’d love you to join our pledger community, learn more about effective giving and share your story to inspire others.

We’ll share more resources via email over the next few days, as well as tips and advice for making the most of your pledge.

Thank you once again, and please get in touch if you have any questions.

Effective giving

Learn more about effective giving and how to do as much good as possible with your money.

Share and inspire

We encourage pledgers to share their commitment publicly – you might just inspire someone else to join too. 

Join the Pledge Club

Come on in to the FFG Pledge Club – we’d love to get to know you and hear your reasons for pledging.